Here you can find the common questions asked by our customers
When you purchase insurance from us, you will receive a booking confirmation to the email address supplied during the booking process, once payment has been successfully processed. This email will have your Validation Certificate, Policy Wording and Insurance Product Information Document and Terms of Business attached. You are also able view your policy documentation via your online account, which can be accessed using the "Manage your policy" login section of our website.
If you wish you can also request to receive your documents by post as well as email, by contacting us on 0333 355 0255. Please be mindful of your Environmental Impact when requesting your documents to be sent by post.
We strongly recommend you bring your Validation Certificate and Policy Wording with you when you travel.
A medical condition means any person to be insured who has:
2. In the last two years:
Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat to our friendly team.