Contact us

Dublin Office

  • Suite 7-8, Plaza 255,
  • Blanchardstown Corporate Park 2,
  • Blanchardstown, Dublin 15.
Opening Hours


If you have a complaint about the sale of your policy or our website, please contact us on [email protected].

We will do our best to resolve your complaint within 40 business days of receipt of your initial complaint. If we are unable to resolve your complaint you may refer the matter with the Financial Services Ombudsman Bureau ( You will also be able to use the EC On-line Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform at who will notify the Financial Services Ombudsman Bureau on your behalf. Our full Complaints Procedure is available on request.

For all other complaints (including about Claims), please refer to the Complaints Procedure of your policy wording.

Cover-More Blue Insurance Services Limited trading as is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

We collect personal information in order to provide you with a quote, contract of insurance (where applicable) and for marketing purposes. Further details on this and how your data is processed can be found in our privacy policy. To learn more about our site structure, you can view our sitemap here. View our Summary Remuneration document here.


Irish Office: Plaza 255, Blanchardstown Corporate Park 2, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15.
  0818 286 528   |     01-485 4119   |     [email protected]  
Plaza 255, Blanchardstown Corporate Park 2, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15.